Monday, January 17, 2011

how to do a horney gorilla

Alert all skydivers! THIS IS A MUST DO!

The horny gorilla was first created back in the early 70's by British skydiver pioneer Walter Highsky. It was essentially a way he could connect with his wife Regina Highsky up in the air. In the 80's it turned out to be a competition amongst the rodeo clowns of the sky. Whomever could hold on the longest while spinning the fastest would be crowned the royal King of the Horny Gorilla!

Step 1: jump out of an airplane while connecting your legs to your opponent.
Step2: Start the rodeo spin
Step3: Hold on!

Good luck and enjoy!


ThisIsHowYouDoItFool is a blog that will show you how to get things done and how to do things even a fool could do! It's about what everyday people do and what extraordinary people do. It's about all the fun things in life and all the boring shit you have to go through. It's a place where you can find out the best way to plane your lunch or plan a sick trip somewhere. It's about the foolish stuff you can find yourself doing or stuff you do everyday. It's a place where everything is allowed and nothing seems to awkward. It's about living your life to your full potential even for a everyday fool like most of us!

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